Monday, February 22, 2016

Second Amendment Myth: Constitutional Compromise

The NRA is the most successful lobby in history. But what's it all for? Moreover, is it possible to curve popular support for this radically unregulated industry by creating a new governmental program, capable of not only satisfying the populace but also exceeding their expectations? What changes might affect the breaking-news? In so many words, how can we slow things down? How can we compromise with honor?

Why do some Americans believe it's okay to live in the twenty-first century while sporting twentieth century equipment designed to kill people? One cannot own a SAW but it's okay that everyone can have the civilian-equivalent of the M16. Both are serious infantry weapons of war: arms. For now, the NRA's core issue is maintaining the sale of firearms, aka guns. But even they will not dispute the logic of denying an F-22 Raptor or a M60 to just anyone who can afford one.

For those who wish to fire a fully-automatic BAR, why not an M4 or an Abrams Tank? Here's a radical idea: let's simply give the crazies what they want; let's arm these 'freedom-fighters' with real weapons of war. How does that even make sense? A Constitutional compromise, aka well-regulated militias for everyone!

What if states create real militias with real guys and gals who are passionate about all this stuff? Imagine blasting a round from a real tank, triggering a battleship cannon, or even initiating the detonation of a large, remote bomb? Of course, only with government approval– background checked, tested proficient, and clearly labeled competent without mental compromise; like halfway joining the military (all the benefits, none of the commitment, but at a real cost).

Allowing the population formal training and regulated access to the toys of war fulfills the Founders' intent. Originally, the Second Amendment was established to create a defensive, engaged, capable, impenetrable, and vetted force of the People. Imagine if every Tom, Deshaun, Hernandez, and Fahad where invited to be trained, qualified, and allowed limited access to the experience of firing these fun-canons.

Real-life, down-to-earth, well-regulated militias help in two ways.

One: providing an outlet for all that pent-up, animal rage, stemming from the modern-day, sedentary lifestyle. Imagine the typical, human, engaged in a semi-productive, community/governmental-based activity while simultaneously venting accumulated, civilian stress via literal explosions and vigorous exercise. This will not only relieve America's waistline but focus and filter many volatile components of America's character. Think war-camps for adults; or, amazing weekends playing games with the coolest gear. All those 'enthusiasts' will explore their fantasies in new ways while sharpening their skills, experiencing discipline, mastering team communication, and feeling a sense of ownership for their freedom; in short, becoming better citizens.

Two: support for the real troops via pay to play. Want to shoot the big gun? Want to be a part-time hero? Want to bond with actual heroes? Instead of a years-long commitment to the National Guard, a minimum donation or fee to support the military assures these less-than-weekend warriors' fun not only pays for itself but also funds our Nation's defense directly, financially. Furthermore, participants will treasure their many memories of enjoying all the greatest guns America has to offer. Plus, they will have a deep and abiding knowledge that if their country every needs them to fire these weapons towards the invaders, they might actually do a good job– because after all, this won't be their first rodeo.