Friday, July 25, 2014

Using Ten Percent of Your Brain Will Kill You

In the film Lucy, Hollywood resurrects Einstein's ridiculous idea that we use any less than all of our brain. One could not walk and chew gum without employing the majority. Throw in a conversation and you're talking full engagement. There are no dormant or unused parts, waiting for development. Brains don't work that way. But there are many factors to phenomenal function. From simple blood flow to complex stimulus coordination among lobes, the possibilities of increased potential remain endless; however, our percentage of use is not. We mostly use most of it and when we sleep, all of it shows activity. Ten percent isn't enough to read this sentence, let alone live a life. Nature defines the majority of how efficient our brain functions but nurture sets the long-term tone of our potential. Eat right, exercise, relieve stress, sleep, and most importantly, cultivate meaning. This how 100% of your brain's potential is realized. Plus, if we only use ten percent now, in the endless future, we will only become ten times smarter. Is there really a limit to the human brain?

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Aussies Save World: Global Climate Change Solved!

If only spin could save the world. But how did Australia's right-wing party sell the idea of compromising the climate for a tax-cut? They took a page straight from Republican strategists -- explain the slumping economy by questioning the science and labeling the legislation a job-killer. Coincidentally, polling changed the moment they realized the numbers suggest their minor efforts on a global scale were insignificant; if everyone isn't doing it, why should they lead the way?

Fact: the public is feeling poor. Why? Is it this tax or might the end of the Great Recession play a part? While the world fell on it's face, Australia's head remained above water. Anyway you cut it, they did better than most when most did horribly. Things have changed. Most are doing better. Is it a leap to suggest this reversal might have something to do with their current financial frustrations? It's a shame they're trading a short-term dent to their standard of living for the long-term opportunity to jump in and do something.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Believe Everything

Believe everything, know what you know, and know the difference between the two. Then, have faith in nothing but love.

I believe everything because I know what I know. When I experience something, I no longer believe or disbelieve it because I know the truth of it. Belief is a story, a thought kept, an idea – no matter how bizarre. Why not believe everything? Belief is not faith. Faith motivates action through hope in the unknown. It is only when we turn belief into faith, when we stop listening for an answer and start working for an outcome, that ideas become dangerous. So believe everything and have faith in nothing but love.